New Starters

New Starters to Walnut & Juniper Class

We are delighted to learn that you have applied for a place for your child in Foundation 2 (Reception Class) at The Glapton Academy.  We have seen demand for places grow recently; we very much hope you will be accepting your offer when received and look forward to working with you as a family as we prepare for September.

We are as committed as ever to ensuring our children and families feel entirely comfortable and confident as they move into primary education.  You can find lots of information here on our school website and you can of course contact the school during working hours by e-mailing any query to [email protected] or calling the school office.

When your place is confirmed we will provide you with a Parent Information Pack at our open evening in June. You will also receive a special booklet for your child to get to know us along with the PowerPoint presentation of the open evening.

Please have a look at last year’s booklets to see what goes on in F2.
We hope they will give you an insight into the school and help you learn a little more about us.
They are attached here for you. To view these, please click on the links below:

Child’s Booklet
Parent Welcome Booklet

Our term dates for 2024-2025 are here on the website and don’t forget to return the data collection form when you receive it.

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