Clubs & Activities

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In response to feedback and in consultation with staff, please see below the Clubs Calendar for this half term. This calendar details the clubs we are able to offer as extra-curricular activities, in addition to the children’s experiences as part of their class.

When a club is due to begin a letter will be sent home to allow you to put forward your child’s name. Some clubs will have limited numbers and you will be informed by staff if your child has been allocated a place. We aim to offer all children the opportunity to participate in a club, if numbers mean that we are oversubscribed for a particular club any children not offered a place will be put on the list for the next available club.

We continue to work hard on ensuring a balance of choices across different ages of children and also different types of activities to provide children with an introduction to a range of clubs that they may wish to pursue further outside of school. We are also continuing to offer most clubs over one half-term to ensure that we maximise the number of children who are able to participate across the school. Many of our clubs rely on staff volunteers to run them outside of their other after school commitments and meetings, so we are proud of the choice and variety we are able to offer.

If you have any further questions or queries about the clubs, please contact your class teacher.

External Sports and Dance Clubs

After our continued success in competitive sports events, we are pleased to provide our children and parent/carers with a list of external sport and dance clubs local to the area.

Please follow the links to the individual clubs own website where indicated.

Basketball:  – A full list of clubs in the Nottingham area is available on the ‘clubs’ section of this website.

Most clubs will accept children from age 5 upwards.

Athletics:  – Click onto ‘Join Us’ for more information. The club accepts children from age 8 upwards. Satellite clubs are located around the city plus the main base at Harvey Hadden Sports Village in Bilborough.

Cricket:  – An excellent website listing coaching for children aged 2.5 plus and also provision for holiday clubs/camps.

Gymnastics: A locally based and very well subscribed club catering for all age groups.

Breakfast/After School Club Registration